Though he was a prolific writer and original thinker
of vast erudition, Jung lacked a gift for clear exposition and his
ideas are less widely appreciated than they deserve.
In this concise introduction, Anthony Stevens explains clearly the basic
concepts of Jungian psychology: the collective unconscious, complex,
archetype, shadow, persona, anima, animus, and the individuation of
the Self. He examines Jung's views on such disparate subjects as
myth, religion, alchemy, 'synchronicity', and the psychology of gender
differences, and he devotes separate chapters to the stages of life,
Jung's theory of psychological types, the interpretation of dreams,
the practice of Jungian analysis, and the unjust allegation that Jung
was a Nazi sympathiser. Finally, he argues that Jung's visionary powers
and profound spirituality have helped many to find an alternative set of
values to the arid materialism prevailing in Western society.
"Jung's relations with Freud and the contrast between their
psychologies form a fascinating backdrop to this accessible,
authoritative but, above all, very readable little book."
Clinical Psychology Forum.
"A small masterpiece of insight and concision, this volume offers
the perfect introduction to one of the twentieth century’s most
important thinkers." Editorial Reviews
"A thoroughly good idea. Snappy, small-format . . . stylish design .
. . perfect to pop into your pocket for spare moments."
Lisa Jardine, The Times.
"This book’s vocabulary would challenge a Ph.D. but Tim Pigott-Smith’s
mellow voice achieves perfect pronunciation." Editorial Reviews
"Probably the best introduction to Jung on the market.... I can’t
recommend this one enough." Customer Reviews
In print. Also available in the following languages:
German: JUNG (Herder, Freiberg, Basel, Wien, 1999);
Rumanian: JUNG (Humanitas, 1996).
Order this book online

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