C.G. Jung believed that beneath our conscious
intelligence a deeper human intelligence is at work - an intelligence
that has evolved over millions of years of human existence. Anthony
Stevens, one of the world's leading Jungian analysts and writers,
explains in singularly clear language how the Jungian two million-year-old self
is a vivid metaphor for the archetypal self in all of us, and how modern
research in ethology, anthropology and linguistics links up in Jung's
He helps us open the window to our psyches and shows what happens to us
when we dream - an experience he explains as an important bridge from
the inside world of the psyche to the outer world. His book explains
how we can gain access to this two-million-year-old self within and put
this ancient collective wisdom to work to save ourselves and the
future of the planet.
"Highly readable . . . . A beautifully written and moving
The British Journal of Medical Psychology.
"Dr Anthony Stevens enriches our understanding by linking Jung's
thought with ethology, anthropology, and linguistics . . . . Dr
Stevens, because of his wide knowledge and gift for clear exposition,
is able to relate Jung's ideas to the intellectual currents of our
age in a way unmatched by any other author. This is a fascinating
Anthony Storr, author of Solitude: Return to the Self.
"Dr Stevens explores how evolution is both a source of
species-specific social strategies and, at a subjective level, of our
passions, dreams, imaginations, creativity and needs. With exemplary
clarify of exposition he shows how Jung's concept of archetype is the missing
link between the evolved process and subjective experience . . . . There
are few works that succeed in tracing these links successfully and
yet remain accessible. Dr Stevens achieves both . . . . I recommend
this as a deeply illuminating volume . . . ."
Paul Gilbert, Professor of Psychology, The University of Derby.
"Those who wish to get the latest synopsis of the way our evolution
has shaped our mentality can do no better then read Anthony Stevens'
book . . . . What is so informative and also encouraging is that the
book . . . shows just how the new bio-anthropological perspective has
brought significant improvements in psychological therapeutics . . . . "
M.R.A. Chance, editor of Social Fabrics of the Mind.
". . . a thoroughly intelligent tying together of ideas, insights and
experience . . . . His flashes of wit and humour, combined with case
histories, illuminates the . . . landscape which is laid out before
us with Stevens' usual clarity and organization." Gary Eberle
Director of the Insignis Program, Aquinas College.
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